Presentation Information
[16a-P06-5]Absorption loss for 1.3-μm-band silicon high-Q nanocavities
〇(B)Shoei Yamasaki1, Rikuto Ichinose1, Ayumu Ishihara2, Yuta Kanemaru1, Wataru Takahama2, Takashi Asano3, Susumu Noda3, Yasushi Takahashi2 (1.Osaka Pref. Univ., 2.Osaka Met. Univ., 3.Kyoto Univ.)
silicon nanocavity,color center,photonic crystal
Recently, research to develop optical spin-quantum interfaces in nanocavities with high Q-values has been conducted using color centers in silicon. To achieve high performance, it is important to increase the luminous efficiency of the color centers and the radiation efficiency from the resonators. The required Q-value of the resonator is about 200,000 at the maximum, and the operating wavelength is 1.3 μm. We report an initial estimate of the absorption loss of a silicon nanocavity in this wavelength range.
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