Presentation Information

[16p-K101-5]Effect of Hydrogen Annealing on Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering in Graphene

〇(M2)Yanjun Heng1, Yugo Tagawa1, Chao Tang2, Hirokazu Fukidome2, Akira Satou2, Taiichi Otsuji2, Takashi Uchino1 (1.Tohoku Inst. Tech., 2.Tohoku Univ.)


graphene,SERS,biochemical sensor

We have previously reported on applying ELISA fabricated on graphene substrates as a biosensor utilizing surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). In that study, we highlighted that two-dimensional materials such as graphene and h-BN are well-suited for biological applications due to their superior chemical stability against oxidation and other reactions and their excellent biocompatibility compared to conventional metal nanoparticle-based SERS substrates. However, a drawback of two-dimensional materials is their lower SERS enhancement factor, which leads to lower sensitivity. To address this issue, we found that hydrogen annealing of graphene SERS substrates at temperatures above 350 °C resulted in an improved sensitivity surpassing that of metal nanostructured SERS substrates. In more detail, this study investigates the hydrogen annealing effect on SERS in graphene.


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