Presentation Information

[16p-K103-11]Creation of Innovative Discharge Plasma through Mid-Infrared Imaging Diagnostics with Maximized Sensitivity and Speed

〇Yuki Inada1 (1.Saitama Univ.)


discharge plasma,plasma diagnostics,laser

Electron density and electric field are critical factors governing the physical and chemical reactions in streamer discharges generated under atmospheric-pressure air. However, due to the challenges posed by the rapid propagation of streamer discharges, no existing technology has been capable of simultaneously measuring electron density and electric field. In this study, we tried developing an integrated system that enables continuous visualization of both electron density and electric field with sensitivity and speed two orders of magnitude superior to the world’s best performance, which would be achieved by precisely controlling the wavelength and wavefront of an infrared femtosecond laser pulse. By simultaneously measuring electron density and electric field, which govern the generation processes of reactive species, we revealed the existence of novel reactive species and resulting new reaction pathways.


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