Presentation Information
[16p-K204-3][The 57th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] A method for evaluating mechanical quality factor Qm of ScAlN, ZnO, GaN piezoelectric film and metal films by using GHz ultrasonic pulse echo technique
〇Yohkoh Shimano1,2, Takahiko Yanagitani1,2 (1.Waseda Univ., 2.ZAIKEN)
Q factor,BAW filter,ScAlN
This study proposes a method for evaluating the intrinsic mechanical quality factor Qm of thin films. An ultrasonic transducer on a substrate is fabricated with a film specimen on the backside of the substrate. The attenuation constant is estimated by comparing the echo from the bottom of the substrate and the bottom of the film specimen. In this report, the dependence of the Qm of ScAlN films on the Sc concentration, as well as other piezoelectric thin films such as GaN and ZnO, and various metal materials and amorphous films were investigated. The relationship between crystal orientation and Qm was also investigated.
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