Presentation Information

[16p-K405-5]Shift current in MBE-grown high-quality CsGeI3 thin films

〇Koma Miki1, Masao Nakamura2,3, Naoki Ogawa2,3, Yoshinori Tokura1,2,3,4, Masashi Kawasaki1,2 (1.Facul. of Eng., Univ. of Tokyo, 2.RIKEN CEMS, 3.RIKEN BZP, 4.Tokyo College, Univ. of Tokyo)


shift current,perovskite halide,epitaxial thin films

The germanium iodide CsGeI3 with perovskite structure is a ferroelectric material with large spontaneous polarization and exhibits a strong visible light response. Thus, it is suitable for studying shift current, a nonlinear photocurrent driven by quantum phases. In this presentation, we report on the successful fabrication of high-quality epitaxial thin films of CsGeI3 with controlled growth orientation using molecular beam epitaxy, as well as the observation of shift current in the fabricated thin films.


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