Presentation Information
[16p-K405-9]Impact of Cooling Rate on Crystallization and Solar Cell Performance of Co-evaporated Perovskite CsPbI2Br Thin Films
〇(D)SHIJUN SHI1,2, Masato Sotome1,2, Kazuteru Nonomura2,3, Hiroshi Segawa2,3, Takashi Kondo1,2 (1.Sch. of Eng., U. Tokyo, 2.RCAST, Univ. of Tokyo, 3.School of Arts and Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo)
perovskite,solar cell,vapor phase co-deposition
This study investigates the impact of cooling rates on the crystallization and photovoltaic performance of CsPbI2Br perovskite thin films. Using a co-evaporation method, the crystallinity of films cooled at different rates (rapid or slow cooling) was compared. The results showed that slowly cooled films exhibited uniform morphology and flat interfaces, achieving a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 5.82%, which surpassed the 4.21% efficiency of rapidly cooled films. This research highlights the importance of cooling conditions in improving the crystallization process and solar cell performance.
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