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[16p-K501-12]Cross-section Measuremsnt for O-17 Production – Response of Neon Proportional Counter for Neutron -

〇Yoshihiko Tanimura1, Sho Nishino1, Takuya Furuta1, Yuji Kishimoto2, Masayuki Hagiwara3, Daiki Sato1, Yuta Kumagai1, Hiroki Matsuda3, Yuho Hirata1, Syuichi Tsuda1 (1.JAEA, 2.KEK, 3.QST)


Oxygen-17,Neon proportional counter,Mono-energetic neutron

The 17O, which is a stable isotope, is expected to be utilized as a tracer. The small natural abundance of 0.037% prevent enriching the 17O from the natural oxygen. Therefore, we are developing a high-purity 17O generating method using 20Ne(n,alpha)17O reaction. As the precise cross-section data of this reaction is necessary to develop the method, a neon proportional counter and 5.0 MeV mono-energetic neutrons are used to measure the cross-section data. The pulse height spectrum calculated using the PHITS code can reproduce the measured spectrum. This means the cross-section can be evaluated by using the counter.


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