Presentation Information

[16p-K501-15]Simulation Study on the Performance of a 4 pi Gamma-Ray Imager with Multiple Cube-Shaped Shields and Scintillators

〇Yoshiharu Kitayama1, Mitsuhiro Nogami2, Keitaro Hitomi2 (1.JAEA, 2.Tohoku Univ.)


Gamma-ray imaging,Multi color gamma-ray imaging,4 pi gamma-ray imager

We have developed a novel 4 pi gamma-ray imager, C3G, consisting of 8-channel gamma-ray detectors, achieving an angular resolution of 5°. However, we observed a decrease in imaging accuracy in approximately 14% of directions within the field of view (FOV). Simulations demonstrated that increasing the number of detectors to 24 channels improves imaging accuracy across the entire FOV. In this presentation, we will report the characteristics of the 24-detector C3G, including its spatial resolution and multi-nuclide imaging capabilities.


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