Presentation Information

[16p-K501-5]Impact of B-composition on Low-B-BGaN detector for Neutron Detector with High temperature Tolerance

〇ryohei kudou1, Tatsuhiro Sakurai1, Eito Kokubo2, Katsuyuki Takagi3, Junichi Nishizawa3, Tetsuichi Kishishita4, Yoshinori Sakurai5, Hiroshi Yashima5, Takahiro Makino6, Takeshi Ohshima6, Yoshio Honda7, Hiroshi Amano7, Yoku Inoue1, Toru Aoki3, Takayuki Nakano1,3 (1.Shizuoka Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ., 3.R.I.E., 4.KEK, 5.KURNS., 6.QST, 7.IMaSS Nagoya Univ.)


BGaN,neutron detector,semiconductor


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