Presentation Information
[16p-K501-8]Evaluation of the radiation response and absorbed dose of Nd-doped Lu2O3 near-infrared emitting scintillator in high dose rate region
〇Satoshi Ishizawa2,1, Shunsuke Kurosawa1,3,4, Akihiro Yamaji1,3, Akira Yoshikawa1,3,4,5, Takushi Takata6, Hiroki Tanaka6 (1.NICHe, Tohoku Univ, 2.JSPS Fellow (PD), 3.IMR, Tohoku Univ., 4.Osaka Univ, 5.C&A Corporation, 6.Kyoto Univ.)
Scintillator (high melting point material),Near infrared emission,High dose rate region
Dose measurement in the high-dose-rate region is expected to be achieved with a remote dosimetry system consisting of a scintillator, an optical fiber and a photodetector. In this study, we have developed Nd:Lu2O3 scintillator with high density (9.4 g/cm3) and near-infrared emission (~900 nm) for the dosimetry system using the core-heating method. In this presentation, we will report on the demonstration of the dosimetry system using Nd:Lu2O3 in the range of 6-660 Gy/h with 60Co as well as the results of absorbed dose calculations using PHITS.
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