Presentation Information
[16p-K506-6]Thermoelectric Power Generation using Graphitic Carbon Structure Fabricated on Marin-biodegradable Polymer by Laser-induced Graphitization
〇Mari Kato2, Yuma Hattori2, Mitsuhiro Terakawa1,2 (1.Keio Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. Keio Univ.)
laser-induced graphitization,biodegradable polymer,thermoelectric generation
Thermoelectric power generation based on the Seebeck effect, in which a temperature difference generates an electromotive force, can convert thermal energy into electrical energy. In this study, conductive graphitic carbon structures were fabricated by laser-induced graphitization of marine-biodegradable polymers, and thermoelectric power generation using the fabricated structures was experimentally demonstrated. An electromotive force was generated by applying a temperature difference between both ends of the fabricated structure. The potential difference increased with an increase in the temperature difference. The fabricated structure exhibited p-type thermoelectric property.
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