Presentation Information

[16p-K507-14]Stress Control of Electron Transmission Windows Using O2-GCIB Irradiation for Achieving High Spatial Resolution in Liquid X-ray PEEM Measurements

〇Masaya Takeuchi1, Noriaki Toyoda1 (1.Univ. of Hyogo)


Gas cluster ion beam,Silicon nitride,X-ray PEEM

In this study, we developed a stress control technique for silicon nitride (SiNx) membranes used in liquid cells with photoelectron transmission windows, aiming for operando analysis of liquids using X-ray Photoelectron Emission Microscopy (X-ray PEEM). SiNx membranes require ultrathin films and adequate tensile stress, but conventional stress relaxation methods have faced challenges in maintaining mechanical properties. This study examines a method to control the tensile stress of SiNx membranes while preserving their pressure resistance by employing low-damage irradiation with O2-GCIB.


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