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[16p-K507-9]Evaluation of Nitrogen Compositions of Hafnium Nitride Thin Films Using 2.1 MeV Proton Beam for Simultaneous Analysis of Light and Heavy Elements

〇Tomoaki Osumi1, Yasuhito Gotoh1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)


hafnium nitride,evaluation of nitrogen compositions,non-Rutherford backscattering analysis

The nitrogen compositions of hafnium nitride (HfN) thin films were evaluated by non-Rutherford backscattering analysis with 2.10 MeV H+. The results were compared with those evaluated by 1.63 MeV H+. The nitrogen compositions showed good agreements. When other heavy elements are added to HfN, nitrogen and heavy elements can be evaluated simultaneously by PIXE at the same time as n-RBS. Improving the sensitivity of PIXE requires a higher energy of H+. It is considered that adopting 2.10 MeV H+ as a projectile ion is better when the evaluation of nitrogen composition is carried out simultaneously with the analysis of heavy metal.


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