Presentation Information

[16p-K508-3]Process, Causality and Noncommutative Probability: From Categorical Structures to
Off-shell Science

〇Hayato Saigo1 (1.Nagahama Inst. of Bio-Science and Tech.)


dressed photon,causality

In this talk, I will clarify what we should think of in terms of physics as the "causal category," which has been treated abstractly up until now.
The starting point is to consider the "category of possible processes" based on basic concepts such as systems, environments, their composite systems, and the environment of the composite system = "meta-environment." From this category, the "category of causality" is determined. This "category of causality" is a category with morphisms of "causality," which is formulated through a collection of processes that form "mediations" that could be called "causal conditions" that form the relationship "when this does not exist, this does not exist." In general, categories are considered as subcategories of categories with involutional structures called "dagger categories," and the pair of this "category of causality" and the dagger category that envelops it becomes the "causal category." I would like to propose that such a causal category be considered as space-time for off-shell science.


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