Presentation Information
[16p-P11-4]Development of STM observation method inside samples using field evaporation in atom probe tomography
〇Shu Kurokawa1, Kaito Ueda1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)
Scanning Tunneling Microsocpy,atom probe tomography
Motivated by STM observation on a surface that maintains the atomic arrangement inside a sample, we proposed a method for fabricating an atomically flat sample surface and its STM observation method using electric field evaporation in atom probe tomography (APT). We have previously reported that the tip of an APT sample, which has a needle-like shape with a curvature of about 100 nm, can be observed by STM using a Pt/W(111) nanopyramid as a multi-probe. This time, we made a transfer vessel that can transport samples maintaining a vacuum between the APT and the STM, and we will report on the measurements of several samples.
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