Presentation Information

[16p-P12-5]Growth and Evaluation of InSb Thin Films on Si Substrates by Sputtering Deposition Method

〇Aito Koganezawa1, Hiroto Kubota1, Akito Ayukawa1, Shunya Sakane1, Haruhiko Udono1 (1.Ibaraki Univ.)



InSb is a semiconductor with high electron mobility and optical absorption coefficient, making it a promising material for infrared photodetectors. In this study, InSb thin films were deposited on Si substrates using a sputtering method, and their crystallinity was evaluated. The film thickness increased proportionally with deposition time, and crystallization progressed with heat treatment above 300°C. High-crystallinity polycrystalline films were obtained at heat treatment temperatures above 400°C.


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