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[17a-K201-6]Study on a new theranostics with new isotopes, new drugs, and new measurement methods

〇Hiroyuki Takahashi1, Kenji Shimazoe1, Yuki Mitsuya1, Kohei Tsumoto1, Mkoto Nakakido1, Seiichi Ohta1, Nobuyoshi Akimitsu1, Toshimitsu Momose1, Yasutaka Anraku2, Hiromitsu Hama3, Masako Kawabata4 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Institute of Science Tokyo, 3.RIKEN, 4.Chiyoda Technol)


PET,nuclide,nuclear reaction

In order to overcome the constraints of existing PET nuclides, we are investigating the possibility of multi-step nuclear reactions. So far, we found a couple of nuclides, which undergo electron capture reactions with half-lives of several days, but since the resulting daughter nuclides emit positrons with half-lives of about a few minutes, it is considered that long-term PET diagnosis using them is possible.


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