Presentation Information

[17a-K303-6]Velocity distribution analysis of laser-induced fluorescence in the deposition region for neutral Ti particles produced by deep oscillation magnetron sputtering

〇Yuki Nakagawa1, Hiroki Kobayashi1, Eisuke Yokoyama1, Nobuo Nishiniya1, Masaomi Sanekata1, Masahide Tona2, Hiroaki Yamamoto2, Keizo Tsukamoto2, Kiyokazu Fuke3, Keijiro Ohshimo4, Fuminori Misaizu4 (1.Tokyo Polytech. Univ., 2.Ayabo Corp., 3.Kobe Univ., 4.Tohoku Univ.)


laser-induced fluorescence,magnetron sputtering

High power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HPPMS) plasmas contain neutral/ionic particles and those light emitting/non-emitting particles. Various spectroscopic techniques, which are optical emission spectroscopy (OES) for light emitting particles, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy for light non-emitting particles, laser absorption spectroscopy for light emitting/non-emitting particles, and mass spectrometry for charged particles, are used as the plasma diagnostics for the particles included in HPPMS plasma.
The time-evolution of the LIF shows peaks corresponding to the DOMS discharge of pulse and long tail during the pulse. This is attributed to the velocity distribution of neutral Ti particles generated by pulse discharge of DOMS in the deposition region. The velocity and energy distributions obtained from the time-evolution of LIF can be optimized by the Maxwell distribution. In the present study, we propose a new method for measuring the velocity distribution of neutral particles based on the time-evolution LIF measurement of neutral Ti particles reaching the deposition region in DOMS.


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