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[17a-K310-4]Young’s modulus of single-crystal Si20Ge80

〇Yasutomo Arai1, Shigeki Uchida2, Masanori Kusama2, Tsuyoshi Kanda2, Koji Tsubaki2, Yoshifumi Katano2, Masami Kataoka3, Shingo Sasaki3, Yasunori Sato3, Okuhisa Matsumura3, Takeo Kobae3, Takuya Kawaski3 (1.JAXA, 2.Topcon, 3.TDY)


silicon germanium,single crystal,elastic constant

The elastic constants of single crystal Si20Ge80 were calculated from the sound velocity measurements. The orientation dependence of the Young's modulus is similar with the modulus of Si and Ge, but the value would be follows Bowing's law rather than Vegard's law. In this report, we also discuss 2D and 3D bulk modulus calculations, shear modulus, and Poisson's ratio.


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