Presentation Information

[17a-K403-9]Label-free biosensing using an optical interferometric sensor integrated with a graphene electrode for multiple and highly sensitive detection of biomarkers.

〇(B)Junki Hirano1, Masaki Oshino1, Chihiro Kurosu1, Yong-Joon Choi1, Toshihiko Noda1, Kazuaki Sawada1, Kazuhiro Takahashi1 (1.Toyogi Univ.)



Optical interferometric MEMS biosensor have been proposed as compact and label-free sensors for simple blood test measurements. Localized receptor immobilization was achieved by depositing a functionalized polypyrrole film on a gold electrode using electropolymerization for multiple detection, but the gold caused degradation of the lower detection limit. In this study, graphene was employed as the electrode to investigate whether highly sensitive detection of the marker is possible. Electropolymerization of functionalized pyrrole on graphene was successfully used for sensitive and selective detection of tumor markers.


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