Presentation Information
[17a-K405-4]Outdoor Power Generation Characteristics of Perovskite/Si Tandem Solar Cells
〇Makoto Konagai1, Kouta Fujii1, Ryousuke Ishikawa1, Itsuki Hirano2, Takeshi Gotanda2 (1.Tokyo City Univ., 2.Toshiba ESS)
perovskite solar cell,pervskite/Si tandem solar cell,Outdoor Power Generation Characteristics
We report the measurement results of the outdoor power generation characteristics of perovskite/Si tandem solar cells. The tandem solar cells used for the measurements were encapsulated in cylindrical glass and were either mounted on a dual-axis tracking system or fixed at a 35° tilt angle facing south. In the dual-axis tracking system, the conversion efficiency deteriorated from 18% to 7% during the measurement period, mainly due to degradation of the fill factor. Previous measurements of the outdoor power generation characteristics of perovskite solar cells have shown that the fill factor degrades significantly, particularly during the high-temperature summer months. Assuming that the degradation of the fill factor is caused by an increase in series resistance, a theoretical analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact of the series resistance in the perovskite top cell on the characteristics of the tandem solar cells. The results revealed that tandem solar cells dominated by the bottom cell exhibited less degradation in the fill factor.
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