Presentation Information

[17a-K504-2]Study of hydrophilicity of SiO2-TiO2mixed film deposited by combination deposition method

〇Koshiro Sasaki1, Hiroshi Murotani1, Takayuki Matsudaira2 (1.Grad. School of Eng., Tokai Univ., 2.Shincron Co., Ltd)


Optical thin film,Hydrophilic

We have developed a combination deposition method in which EB deposition and DC pulse sputtering are operated simultaneously in the same vacuum chamber. SiO2 thin films deposited by this method have been shown to have a low refractive index and long-term hydrophilicity, but it is difficult to restore the hydrophilicity once it has deteriorated. Therefore, by depositing a mixed film with TiO2, which has superhydrophilicity due to photocatalysis, it is expected to produce a thin film that combines the properties of both materials. In this study, the hydrophilicity of SiO2-TiO2 mixed films prepared by a combination deposition method was investigated.


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