Presentation Information

[17a-K504-3]Metal-insulator transition temperature in (V,W)O2 thin films on TiO2(001) and (100)

〇Yuji Muraoka1, Shota Nakamura2, yokoya Takayoshi1 (1.RIIS. Okayama Univ., 2.ELST. Okayama Univ.)


W doped VO2 film,Metal insulator transition,Strain effect

Using the stain effect approach, the mechanism of metal-insulator transition (MIT) in highly W doped VO2 (V,W)O2 films is investigated. The (V,W)O2 films with different c-axis length are grown on different crystal orientation of TiO2(001) and (100), and the MIT transition temperature is evaluated by resistivity measurements. Consequelntly, the obtained results support the importance of d// band which originates from the atomic orbital along with the c-axis direction in rutile-type tetragonal structure.


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