Presentation Information
[17a-K506-4]Effect of Internal Defect Formation in Silica Glass on Ablation Efficiency in Ultrashort-Pulsed Intensity-Modulated Laser Processing
〇Dai Yoshitomi1, Hiroshi Ogawa1, Hideyuki Takada1, Yohei Kobayashi2, Aiko Narazaki1 (1.AIST, 2.ISSP Univ. Tokyo)
laser processing,silica,defect
In ultrashort pulse laser processing of silica glass, when applying ramp modulation to temporally increase or decrease the pulse intensity, the ablation efficiency for the downward ramp proved to be significantly higher than that for the upward ramp. The dependencies on repetition rates revealed that persistent effects play a major role, and PL microscopy measurements indicated that the formation of internal defects is involved.
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