Presentation Information
[17a-K506-8]Improvement of Spatial Resolution in Supersonic Flow Using Wavelet-based BOS Method with Deep Learning Super-Resolution
〇(B)Kazuki Maeda1, Atsushi Suda1, Kazuki Hiro1, Shigeto Nakamura1, Hiroshi Fukuoka1 (1.NIT. Nara College)
Background Oriented Schlieren,Super-Resolution,Supersonic Flow
The Wavelet-based BOS (W-BOS) method calculates quantitative density gradients using a continuous wavelet transform on a sinusoidal background image. In high-speed imaging, there is a trade-off between frame rate and resolution. Therefore, this study aims to improve the spatial resolution in supersonic flows by applying a super-resolution technique based on deep learning to the W-BOS method. In this report, we clarify the effect of the type of dataset trained on the super-resolution model on the accuracy of restoring high-resolution images.
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