Presentation Information

[17a-K507-1]Soft X-ray Appearance Potential Spectroscopy of NiO and Co3O4 Powder

〇Takayuki Kashiwakura1 (1.Utsunomiya Univ.)


appearance potential spectroscopy,bulk sensitive,chemical state analysis

We are developing a soft x-ray appearance potential spectroscopy (SXAPS) apparatus for low conductivity powder samples. In this study, the apparatus was improved with the expectation that increasing the vacuum degree inside the measurement chamber would further reduce the deterioration of the sample. Using a turbomolecular pump with a higher pumping speed and changing the proportional counter structure to minimize the leakage of detection gas, the pressure during measurement became 8×10-8 Torr. SXAPS measurements were performed on NiO and Co3O4 powders at the 3d transition metal L2,3 absorption edges.


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