Presentation Information

[17a-P01-12]Impact of polymeric stabilizers on the transformation and sustainable recovery of silver microstructures from spent button batteries for flexible conductive film based on silver-polymer composites

〇(DC)Natsuda Muankhajorn1,2 (1.Sensor Research Unit, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok 10330, Thailand, 2.Program in Petrochemistry and Polymer Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok 10330, Thailand)



This research concentrates on recovering silver microstructures from spent silver oxide button batteries using a green chemistry technique. The study exploits a simple, rapid, highly efficient, and environmentally friendly technique to convert silver sources into high-purity silver at the microscopic scale and manipulate the recovered silver into different morphologies using polymeric stabilizers (PVP and PVA). The results revealed that polymeric stabilizers play a crucial role in controlling the growth of silver particles at the microscopic level. Specifically, PVP affords a homogeneous silver microplate, whereas PVA facilitates the formation of isotropic spherical microparticles. Additionally, the effect of the molecular weight (Mw) of the stabilizers on the silver particles was examined. The properties of anti-aggregation are significantly influenced by the Mw of the stabilizers. Finally, the optimal recovery conditions were established to recover silver from button batteries [1]. Further investigation will determine the potential applications of the recovered silver. An interesting application is to produce the flexible conductive material by combining silver film on a flexible polymer. Rod-shaped silver acetate (RS-AcOAg) was prepared from silver beads and recovered silver microstructures. RS-AcOAg was subsequently transformed into porous silver films through thermal decomposition at 300 °C. Porous silver was transformed into rigid structures by the sintered structures, which influenced the electrical resistivity. The structure of the sintered material can be regulated using PDMS. The result shows that the procedures are not influenced by the size, shape, or source of the silver. Moreover, the combinations of RS-AcOAg with added PDMS could provide the different contracting levels on the silver film, which leads to the different properties such as conductivity and resistance of the developed substrate under mechanical strain, including stretching and bending.


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