Session Details

[17a-P01-1~29]9 Applied Materials Science (Poster)

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
P01 (Gymnasium)

[17a-P01-1]Composition dependence of ferroelectric properties, average, local and electronic structures in (K,Na,Cu,Li)NbO3

〇Genyu Yukimstsu1, Chiaki Isibasi1, Naoto Kitamura1, Yasusi Idemoto1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Sci)

[17a-P01-2]Differences in phase transition behavior in BNT-BT lead-free piezoelectric bulk ceramics and their ground powders

〇(B)Kanato Mizoguchi1, Sangwook Kim1, Zhuangkai Wang2, Shintaro Ueno2, Ichiro Fujii2, Norihiro Oshime3, Kenji Ohwada3, Satoshi Wada2, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa1 (1.Hiroshima Univ., 2.Yamanashi Univ., 3.QST)

[17a-P01-3]Additive Effects of Cu-based Sintering Aid on Low-Temperature Sintering and Composition Control for (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 -based Ceramics

〇(M2)Jianrui Han1, Yuka Takagi1, Hyunwook Nam1, Hajime Nagata1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Science)

[17a-P01-4]Microstructure and densification of (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 ceramics prepared by hydrothermal synthesis

〇Hinata Horikoshi1, Hyunwook Nam1, Yuka Takagi1, Hajime Nagata1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Science)

[17a-P01-5]XAFS analysis of fine structure of Gd-doped Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles

〇yu kusumoto1, ryouta iijima2, ryota abe1, hiroki amano1, shotaro watanabe1, yuko ichiyanagi1,3 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Sci., Yokohama Nat Univ, 2.Fac. of Eng. Sci., Yokohama Nat Univ, 3.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ)

[17a-P01-6]Effect of ligand-induced surface modification on composition-dependent luminescence properties of Ag1-xCuxInS2 quantum dots

〇(M2)Masaki Kato1, Yasushi Hamanaka1, Toshihiro Kuzuya2 (1.Nagoya Inst. Tech., 2.Muroran Inst. Tech.)

[17a-P01-7]Hydrothermal Synthesis of CdSe and CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots and Their Optical Properties

〇Takumi Ishikawa1, Masahiro Shibuta1, DaeGwi Kim1 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)

[17a-P01-8]Growth and Characterization of GaN Nanowires for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

Simone Restelli1, Pierre-Marie Coulon2, Blandine Alloing2, 〇Vittorio Bellani1 (1.Unipv, 2.CRHEA)

[17a-P01-9]Growth temperature dependence of surface area of InP nanowire by self-catalytic VLS mode

〇Yuya Sakiyama1, Fuka Sugita1, Kazuhiko Shimomura1 (1.Sophia Univ.)

[17a-P01-10]Silicon Carbide Formation on Si wafer via CVD Carbonization

〇Pengyu ZHANG1,2, Qinqiang ZHANG1, Wipakorn Jevasuwan1, Naoki Fukata1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba)

[17a-P01-11]a missing number


[17a-P01-12]Impact of polymeric stabilizers on the transformation and sustainable recovery of silver microstructures from spent button batteries for flexible conductive film based on silver-polymer composites

〇(DC)Natsuda Muankhajorn1,2 (1.Sensor Research Unit, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok 10330, Thailand, 2.Program in Petrochemistry and Polymer Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok 10330, Thailand)

[17a-P01-13]Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets with Single-Atom Platinum for Efficient Hydrogen Generation via Plastic Photoreforming

〇Chang YinHsuan1, TingHan Lin1, Jiamao Chang1, Ciao-Yun Huang1, MingChung Wu1 (1.Chang Gung Univ.)

[17a-P01-14]Achieving High Selectivity for CO2 Reduction to CH4 through Photothermal-Photocatalysis with Topological Bi2Se3 and ZnIn2S4 Photocatalysts

〇(D)JiaMao Chang1, TingHan Lin1, YinHsuan Chang1, MingChung Wu1 (1.Chang Gung Univ.)

[17a-P01-15]Enhanced Hydrogen Production via Synergistic Photo-Piezocatalysis in BaTiO3/ZnIn2S4 Heterostructures

〇(P)TingHan Lin1, JiaMao Chang1, YuChi Peng1, YenChang Chen1, YinHsuan Chang1, KunMu Lee1, MingChung Wu1 (1.Chang Gung Univ.)

[17a-P01-16]Exploring new transverse thermoelectric materials derived from anomalous Nernst effect in Heusler alloys

〇Kanata Sato1, Hiro Sato2, Kase Naoki1, Nobuaki Miyakawa1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2.Tokyo Univ. of Sci .)

[17a-P01-17]Characterization of CeO2 nanoparticles added Zn4Sb3 fabricated by double tubes seal method

〇(B)Junya Nonaka1, Tsunehiro Takeuchi2, Masahiro Tahashi1, Hideo Goto1 (1.Chubu Univ., 2.Toyota Tech. Inst.)

[17a-P01-18]Carrier filtering effect in the body-centered tetragonal oxide Sr2RuO4

〇Ryuji Okazaki1, Ryota Otsuki1, Kaito Taniguchi1, Shogo Yoshida1, Tomoya Komine1, Ryosuke Kurihara1, Hiroshi Yaguchi1, Yoshiki Sato2 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2.Saitama Univ.)

[17a-P01-19]Fabrication of Thermoelectric Devices using FeS2 Films as P-type Material

〇Hiroaki Sugiyama1, Daiki Kanbe1, Itaru Raifuku1, Yasuaki Ishikawa1 (1.Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)

[17a-P01-20]Carrier Density Control of FeS2 Pyrite Thin Films by Co Doping

〇Naruki Tamura1, Shu Oshima1, Daiki Kambe1, Itaru Raifuku1, Yasuaki Ishikawa1 (1.Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)

[17a-P01-21]Evaluation of Atmospheric Stability and Thermoelectric Performance of Epitaxial Mg3Bi2 Thin Films

〇Takeru Kuriyama1, Akito Ayukawa1, Kouki Nejo1, Haruhiko Udono1, Shunya Sakane1 (1.Ibaraki Univ.)

[17a-P01-22]Improvement of Thermoelectric Performance of Mg2Si Synthesized Using Si Extracted from Waste PV Modules by Ag Impurities Removement

〇Katsumichi Hanzawa1, Shinya Kato2, Tomohiro Kusumoto1, Kengo Yamanaka2, Taisuke Doi3, Yasuyoshi Kurokawa1,4, Noritaka Usami1,4,5, Takashi Itoh1 (1.Grad. Eng. Nagoya Univ., 2.Grad. Eng. Nagoya Inst.Tech., 3.NPC Inc., 4.InFuS Nagoya Univ., 5.IMaSS Nagoya Univ.)

[17a-P01-23]Boosting p-Type Thermoelectric Performance in Epitaxial Mg2Sn Thin Films with Li Doping

〇(DC)Kenneth Magallon Senados1,2, Takashi Aizawa2, Isao Ohkubo2, Takeaki Sakurai1, Takao Mori1,2 (1.Tsukuba Univ., 2.NIMS)

[17a-P01-24]Size Control of Nanostructures Fabricated by Proximity Field Nanopatterning Method

〇Daiki Sugawara1, Kosuke Endo1, Itaru Raifuku1, Yasuaki Ishikawa1 (1.Aoyama Gakuin Univ)

[17a-P01-25]Improved evaporation of evaporative heat-cooled SWCNT thermoelectric devices by adding a water absorption layer.

〇(M1)Yuto Nakazawa1, Yutaro Okano1, Masayuki Takashiri1 (1.Tokai Univ.)

[17a-P01-26]Solar Thermal Power Generation as a Local Energy Source

〇Takashi Yoshikawa1 (1.KUTC)

[17a-P01-27]Estimation of dimensionless figure of merit distribution by TDIS method

〇Yasuhiro Hasegawa1, Takashi Komine2 (1.Saitama Univ., 2.Ibaraki Univ.)

[17a-P01-28]Performance comparison between Sodium-ion tertiary battery and Lithium-ion tertiary battery

〇(M2)Tomoya Ishizawa1, Takayuki Shibata1, Ichiro Nagai1, Hitoshi Ohnuki1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Marine Sci. & Tech.)

[17a-P01-29]Enhancement of proton conductivity and water uptake capacity in sulfonated PVDF and sulfonated graphene oxide composite membranes for fuel cells

〇(DC)Gagan Kumar Bhatt1, Chellamuthu Jegannathan1, Chinnaswamy Sengottaiyan1, Beshoy Nasr1, Masanori Hara1, Masamichi Yoshimura1 (1.Toyota Technological Inst.)