Presentation Information
[17a-P01-13]Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets with Single-Atom Platinum for Efficient Hydrogen Generation via Plastic Photoreforming
〇Chang YinHsuan1, TingHan Lin1, Jiamao Chang1, Ciao-Yun Huang1, MingChung Wu1 (1.Chang Gung Univ.)
photocatalyst,graphitic carbon nitride,single atom
Photocatalysis provides sustainable alternatives to traditional waste disposal methods like landfilling and incineration. Photo-reforming, a novel approach, uses sunlight to convert plastic waste into hydrogen fuel, a green energy carrier crucial for achieving net-zero emissions and sustainable energy systems. Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a promising photocatalyst due to its narrow bandgap (2.7-2.8 eV) and optimal energy levels for water splitting and photoreforming. Its two-dimensional structure, composed of conjugated tri-s-triazine units, promotes electron mobility and charge carrier separation, enhancing photocatalytic efficiency. In this study, bulk g-C3N4 was synthesized by thermal polymerization of urea at 550 °C, followed by acid washing and exfoliation into nanosheets (C3N4-NS) using ultrasonic processing with isopropanol. Platinum single atoms were anchored onto g-C3N4 through a PtCl2 precursor solution. The C3N4-Pt photocatalyst was tested for photoreforming polymers such as PET, PVC, PMMA, PP, and PS under a xenon lamp. To enhance reactivity, polymers were pretreated in NaOH at 40 °C for 48 hours, breaking them into water-soluble monomers. These monomers served as feedstock for photoreforming. Among the tested polymers, PET achieved the highest hydrogen production of 533.18 μmol g-1 h-1 after 12 hours. This is attributed to the alkaline depolymerization of PET, which generates terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, easily photoreformed into hydrogen. This study highlights the potential of photocatalysis in recycling plastic waste into valuable fuels and chemicals. Optimizing catalysts, reaction conditions, and pretreatment strategies will further enhance efficiency and expand the applicability of photoreforming, offering a sustainable solution for plastic waste management and renewable energy production.
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