Presentation Information

[17p-K303-5]Machine Learning Exploration of Optimal Control Parameters in Different Modulation Cycles of Tandem Pulse-Modulated Induction Thermal Plasmas for Nanoparticle Synthesis

〇Rio Okano1, Yasunori Tanaka1, Yusuke Nakano1, Tatsuo Ishijima1, Satoshi Kitayama1, Shiori Sueyasu2, Shu Watanabe2, Keitaro Nakamura2 (1.Kanazawa Univ., 2.Nisshin Seifun Group Inc.)


thermal plasma,nanoparticle synthesis,machine learning

In this study, using a numerical analysis model of nanoparticle synthesis via a tandem-type pulse-modulated inductively coupled thermal plasma with intermittent feedstock feeding (Tandem-PMITP+TCFF method), we optimized control parameters to maximize nanoparticle yield and minimize the average particle size through machine learning-based optimization. The optimization was performed for different modulation cycles, and the results indicated that the key control parameters vary for each modulation cycle, suggesting that a unique approach may be required for each case.


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