Presentation Information
[17p-K403-11]Characterization of organic semiconductor for a LED array-based LAPS setup
〇Shinji Kimoto1, Yudai hemmi2, Ami Ichikawa2, Hiroyuki Matsui2, Yuanyuan Guo3, Carl Fredrick Werner1 (1.Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2.Yamagata Univ., 3.Tohoku Univ.)
biosensors,organic semiconductor
LAPS is a chemical imaging sensor that utilizes the electric field effect of semiconductors. Conventional LAPS were mainly inorganic semiconductors made of silicon, but their hard and fragile chips were not biocompatible and damaged tissues, which was a drawback for medical applications. In recent years, organic semiconductors have become increasingly popular due to their thin, flexible materials and high biocompatibility. In this study, organic semiconductor-based chips are used for the first time in an LED array setup, and the characteristics of this system are discussed.
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