Presentation Information

[17p-K502-1]A study on real-time quantum sensing using a single NV center in diamond

〇Takashi Tanii1, Akirabha Chanuntranont1, Tomoki Ota1, Yuka Kobayashi1, Shuntaro Usui1, Daiki Saito1, Yuto Miyake1, Ken Sekiguchi1 (1.Waseda Univ.)


diamond,nitrogen-vacancy center,maximum likelihood estimation

Measurement of the electron spin of a single NV center by pulsed optical detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) generally requires a large number of detections of fluorescent photons (e.g., more than 100,000 times), and it is not uncommon for measurements to take more than 10 hours to ensure sufficient accuracy. Here, we report the results of simple computational experiments to investigate whether the measurement time can be shortened by using the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), one of the common statistical estimation methods.


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