Presentation Information
[17p-K503-1][INVITED] Local Probing of 2D Quantum Materials at Ultra-Low Temperatures
〇Dilek Yildiz1,2 (1.Univ. of Maryland, 2.NIST)
scanning probe microscopy,quantum materials,van der Waals materials
Configurable electronic structures are important for advancing quantum research and technology.
Electronic states of 2-dimensional (2d) heterostructures can be modified by changing the layers' stacking order and relative twist. In other 2d quantum systems, like oxide interfaces with 2d electron gas, the electronic properties of the interface can be modified by interface doping. Scanning probe microscopy techniques address electronic, mechanical, and chemical properties locally and provide surface topographical information, complimenting magnetotransport measurements. I will present the local probing of 2d sample systems with non-contact atomic force microscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy techniques. I will discuss the capabilities of ultra-low-temperature scanning probe techniques on measuring 2d quantum devices combined with magneto transport measurements.
Electronic states of 2-dimensional (2d) heterostructures can be modified by changing the layers' stacking order and relative twist. In other 2d quantum systems, like oxide interfaces with 2d electron gas, the electronic properties of the interface can be modified by interface doping. Scanning probe microscopy techniques address electronic, mechanical, and chemical properties locally and provide surface topographical information, complimenting magnetotransport measurements. I will present the local probing of 2d sample systems with non-contact atomic force microscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy techniques. I will discuss the capabilities of ultra-low-temperature scanning probe techniques on measuring 2d quantum devices combined with magneto transport measurements.
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