Presentation Information

[17p-K503-3]On-Surface Synthesis of Heisenberg Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Molecular Chains

Kewei Sun1, Chao Nan2, Silveira Orlando2, Fumega Adolfo2, Hanindita Fiona3, Ito Shingo3, Lado Jose2, Liljeroth Peter2, Foster Adam2, 〇Shigeki Kawai1,4 (1.NIMS, 2.Aalto Univ., 3.Nanyang Technol. Univ., 4.Univ. Tsukuba)


scanning probe microscopy,surface chemistry,spin

Magnetic exchange interactions in carbon-based nanostructures have garnered significant interest for their potential in nano spintronics. Although unique quantum characteristics like gapped excitations and spin entanglement have been observed, the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model with a single antiferromagnetic coupling J remains understudied. Here we explore this model using molecular oligomers on Au(111). Low-temperature microscopy, spectroscopy, and theoretical calculations reveal that even-numbered spin chains exhibit gapped excitations, while odd-numbered chains display a Kondo excitation. The antiferromagnetic coupling J between first neighbors in quantum states is key to these phenomena and correlates with the chain's parity. These tunable molecular structures provide an ideal platform for realizing topological spin lattices experimentally.


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