Presentation Information

[17p-K503-8]Microwave Imaging by Alternating Magnetic Force Microscopy

〇(P)Marina V Makarova1, Keita Hayashi1, Hiroshi Sonobe1, Toru Matsumura1, Nobuaki Kikuchi1, Hitoshi Saito1 (1.Akita University)


MFM,microwave imaging,microwave absorption

Alternating Magnetic Force Microscopy (A-MFM) has been successfully applied to image high frequency magnetic fields up to GHz range with high spatial resolution in ambient condition [1,2]. The purpose of the current work is to extend the measurable frequency beyond 10 GHz.
A-MFM uses frequency modulation of cantilever oscillation by low frequency off-resonant alternating force gradient generated by the interaction between A-MFM tip and the amplitude modulated microwave, and detected by the lock-in. The system was tested on the Au particles on glass substrate and several kinds of tips.
As a result, tips with conducting coatings clearly showed local microwave absorption on Au particle, because of small skin depth and high concentration of microwave energy at the tip-end, which provides high spatial resolution. So, we expect that microwave imaging can become useful for the studies of microwave materials. The work was supported by the JST-CREST(JPMJCR 2102) project.
1) D. V. Christensen et al, J. Phys. Mater. 2024
2) M. Makarova et al, Appl. Sci. 2023


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