Event Outline

Entrepreneurship Education for Innovation

  The importance of entrepreneurship education for creating innovation is increasingly recognized. In addition to entrepreneurship education for students of engineering universities and technical colleges, entrepreneurship education for junior high and high school students, university teachers, and engineers in companies, as well as public venture support organizations and incubation to support entrepreneurship, and collaboration with investors such as banks and venture capitalists are also being practiced. The cooperation with public venture support organizations, incubation, banks, venture capitalists, and other investors to support entrepreneurship is also being practiced. This session will introduce various entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship support initiatives in engineering education, and discuss issues related to the creation of innovations.

This year's conference will be held in the form of oral and poster presentations. In addition, we will accept recorded presentations via the conference website, which was very popular last year. If there are not enough applications for posters, oral presentations will be organized. No real-time streaming will be available.


International session: 
Poster Session: September 4, 16:45-17:45 (Held upon application)
Oral Session: September 5-6, 9:35- Morning, 14:00-17:00 Afternoon Sessions
Plenary Session: September 5, 13:00-13:50


Japanese Society for Engineering Education
Kyushu Society for Engineering Education


Kyushu University, Ito Campus
744 Motooka Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan 819-0395