Conference Program

Events, program contents, time schedule, and open period will be changed and updated in the future.

Day 1 (Wednesday, September 4)

Registration (9:00-17:00)

Opening Remarks

(1) Kouji Umehara, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  PDF 
(2) Satoshi Kawakami, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry  PDF 
(3) Yoko Yamanishi, Kyushu University  PDF 

Opening Remarks
Closing Remarks

Day 2 (Thursday, September 5)

Registration (9:00-17:00)

  • Oral Session- III (9:30-12:15) : Open Learning Plaza A~E room
  • Educational Power Improvement Session (10:45-12:00) : Open Learning Plaza  F room
    - FD activities utilizing comprehensive knowledge -
    (1) Makoto Ichitsubo, Toyohashi University of Technology
    (2) Yukitoshi Nagahara, Tokyo Denki University
      Shinichi Miyasato, Kanazawa institute of Technology
  • Plenary Session- II (13:00-13:50) : Open Learning Plaza, 2F-Lecture Hall

Session Greeting Takashi YUKAWA (Chair of International Affairs Committee)
Engineering Education in the Generative AI and Online Learning Era  PDF 
  Jong-Moon Chung, Korean Society for Engineering Education (KSEE)

- Building a Grand Design for Engineering Education in Japan -
(1) Satoko Fukahori, Kyushu University  PDF 
(2) Seiichi Serikawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology  PDF 
(3) Kikuo Kishimoto, JABEE  PDF 
- Engineering Education for Female Students -
(4) Ginko Kawano, Kyushu University  PDF 
(5) Meiji Fujita, Nara Women's University  PDF 

Day 3 (Friday, September 6)

Registration (9:00-16:00)

- Entrepreneurship Education for Innovation -
(1) Yoshihisa Nakatoh, Kyushu Institute of Technology  PDF 
(2) Shingo Igarashi, Kyushu University  PDF 

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