Presentation Information
[学校保健体育-A-21]The Impact of Media Portfolios in Elementary School Physical Education on School-based Communities Formation(教)
*Koji ISHII1,2, Naoki SUZUKI3 (1. Utsunomiya University, 2. Doctoral Course The United Graduate School of Education Tokyo Gakugei University , 3. Tokyo Gakugei University)
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of a media portfolio, in which physical education learning outcomes are shared among stakeholders (children, teachers, parents, and local residents), on interactions and perceptions among stakeholders from a school-based community perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 children, 2 teachers, 9 parents, and 5 local residents who interacted with other stakeholders by sharing media portfolios. The data obtained were analyzed using the Trajectory Equifinality Model.The results revealed that the media portfolio had the effect of reducing the distance between stakeholders. The subjects recognized the value of sharing their children's physical education learning outcomes through their changing relationships with other stakeholders. In particular, local residents changed their perceptions of other stakeholders and their involvement in schooling. This suggests that trust was built among stakeholders and that school stakeholders were more willing to engage with each other on a long-term basis. Furthermore, mutual support relationships between schools, families, and communities were formed, and school-based community cohesion was strengthened. Parents and local residents became more actively involved in their children's learning than ever before, enriching their children's educational environment. This suggests that a system has been established in which children's development is supported by the school-based community as a whole.
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