The 45th Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan

Call for Awards

45th Annual Meeting of the Laser Society Academic Conference
Call for "Paper Presentation Awards"

Based on the regulations for the "Paper Presentation Awards," we will present the "Paper Presentation Awards (Outstanding Paper Presentation Award, Paper Presentation Encouragement Award)" to young members who have delivered excellent presentations among the general presentations at this conference. We look forward to receiving many applications.

Recipients: Members of this association (supporting members, regular members, student members) who have given outstanding general presentations contributing to the advancement of laser science at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Laser Society Academic Conference and have not received this outstanding paper presentation award before, and who meet the following qualifications:

(1) Under 37 years old as of April 1st after the presentation date.
(2) Registered as a speaker and actually presented at the conference.
(3) Applied for the paper presentation award at the time of presentation application. Only one application per person.
(4) Holds a membership qualification at the time of awarding (Laser Society members).

Application method: This award is included in the general presentation application format via the web. Please apply for it along with your presentation application. Additionally, for those who have chosen "Oral presentation preferred, but poster is acceptable" or "Poster presentation preferred, but oral is acceptable" as the presentation format and wish to apply for the award in either oral or poster category, please select "Apply for both the Paper Presentation Award and the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award."

Awarding: The award certificates will be presented during the Laser Society Regular General Meeting (scheduled for the end of May 2025).

Application deadline: September 20, 2024 (Friday)
(This is the same deadline as the general presentation application.)

45th Annual Meeting of the Laser Society Academic Conference
Call for "Outstanding Poster Presentation Award"

We will present the "Outstanding Poster Presentation Award" to student members who have delivered excellent poster presentations in the four aspects of (1) presentation content, (2) appearance of the poster, (3) presentation quality, and (4)question and answer among those who gave poster presentations at this conference.
Recipients: Those who applied for poster presentations at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Laser Society Academic Conference. Please note that this award is not available for members other than student members.

Application method: This award is included in the web-based poster presentation application format. Please apply for it along with your poster presentation application. Additionally, for those who have chosen "Oral presentation preferred, but poster is acceptable" or "Poster presentation preferred, but oral is acceptable" as the presentation format and wish to apply for the award in either oral or poster category, please select "Apply for both the Paper Presentation Award and the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award."

Awarding: The award will be presented at the social gathering from 18:00 on January 22, 2025 (Wednesday), where certificates will be given.

Application deadline: September 20, 2024 (Friday) 
(This is the same deadline as the poster presentation application.)