The 45th Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan


Registration Fee

Conference Registration Fee
 Pre-registration fee
by 5 p.m.
on Dec. 4, 2024
Regular fee
after 5 p.m.
on Dec. 4, 2024
LSJ Member¥14,000¥18,000
LSJ Student Member¥ 4,000¥6,000
Non-member¥ 20,000¥24,000
Student Non-member¥ 6,000¥8,000
Invited Speaker/
Symposium Speaker

Banquet Fee
 Pre-registration fee
by 5 p.m.
on Dec. 4, 2024
Regular fee
after 5 p.m.
on Dec. 4, 2024
LSJ Member / Non-member¥7,000¥9,000
LSJ Student Member /
Stundet Non-member
¥ 3,000¥4,000

About Pre-Registration

Registration Period

September 2(Thursday),2024 - December 4(Wednesday), 2024, 5 p.m.

How to Pre-Registration

The details for registration are available here (Member, CorporateNon-member). The following is a brief overview.

  • Pre-Registration is accepted by online registration via the website.
  • Payment for registration is accepted by "Credit Card" only.
  • Please make sure to complete your payment by Nobember 29 (Fri.), if you are a speaker. Please note that if you will not complete your payment, you may not be able to give your talk.

                                      OPEN(September 2~)


Secretariat of The Laser Society of Japan

2-6 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6878-3070
Fax: +81-6-6878-3088