The 45th Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan

Call for Abstracts

Call for Papers

Registration / Abstract Submission Period: 

August 16 (Fri.), 2024  ~  September 20 (Fri.), 2024


Eligibility for Application:

Applications for presentations at the Annual Meeting are limited to members of the Laser Society of Japan. For new membership applications, please complete the process by Tuesday, September 17th, via the Laser society of Japan website (Click here).


Presentation format:

Please select your presentation format:「Oral presentation」,「Preference for Oral presentation or Poster presentation is acceptable」,「Preference for Poster presentation or Oral is acceptable」,「Poster presentation」

*This time, non-student members (regular members and supporting members) are also eligible for poster presentations.

"Paper Presentation Award" or "Poster Presentation Award will be given to young researchers for excellent presentations. We encourage you to apply enthusiastically.


Presentation Category:

Please select an appropriate category from the following divisions for your presentation registration.

Please refer to the keywords for each division (Categories: Division (A-I)) for consideration.

ALaser physics and chemistryFOptical functional materials and devices
BLasersGOptical fiber and wireless communications
CHigh-intensity and high-energy laser applicationsHOptical information processing
DLaser processingILaser medical science and biology
ELaser measurement  

Procedure for Submitting Presentations:

The details for registration are available here (Member, Corporate). The following is a brief overview.

  • All registrations / abstract submissions are accepted exclusively through online registration via this website.
  • When registering for the first time, please obtain an account for registration. Please manage the login ID and password that you set at the time of account acquisition at your own responsibility to avoid forgetting them. For security reason, we regret that we cannot respond to inquiries regarding login IDs and passwords. If you forget your password, please use the “Forgot your password?” link on the login screen to reset it.
  • After completing your registration / abstract submission, a confirmation email including a submission completion notice with your registration number will be sent to the email address you provided during registration. This notification is typically sent within a few minutes. If you do not receive the email, there is a possibility that your registration / abstract submission was not completed yet. Please review your registration / abstract submission details and if it remains incomplete, please register again.
  • During the registration period, manuscript submissions are not accepted. Once the registration period ends, the manuscript submission period will begin, and we will announce the manuscript submission site (you will be informed by the secretariat when it is ready).


Modification or Deletion after Registration /Abstract Submission:

Until the deadline for registration / abstract submission, you can review, modify, or cancel your registration / abstract submission as many times as necessary. To review, modify, or cancel your registration / abstract submission, please login the registration system using the login ID and password you obtained during registration.


Important Notices:
  • Please check the login screen of the registration system for recommended browsers. Even if you access using the recommended environment, your registration may not be possible depending on your computer setup. If you are unable to register, please try registering from another computer with a different setup.
  • As the deadline for registration approaches, we anticipate heavy network congestion. Please register early to avoid any issues. Please note that the secretariat bears no responsibility for any deficiencies in registration due to network congestion. 
  • The secretariat bears no responsibility for any inaccuracies entered by the submitter. Please ensure that the information is correct before pressing the registration button.


Important dates:

Abstract Submission Period: August 16 (Fri.), 2024 to September 20 (Fri.), 2024

Deadline of Registration: December 4 (Wed.), 2024

Manuscript Submission Period: September 30 (Mon.), 2024 to October 17(Thu.) , 2024

You will not be able to submit, edit your registered information, nor withdraw your presentation after the submission deadline.


Register and Modify Your Registration / Abstract Submission

Please register for the presentation / abstract submission using the button below.

(It will be available from Friday, August 16th) 



For symposium or invited talks, registration / abstract submission will be handled through a separate website. Please login the system via the URL provided in the email and register or make changes.



The Laser Society of Japan

2-6 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Fax: +81-6-6878-3088
E-mail: lsj-admin[at]