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[27-19-am06]Uncovering the formation mechanism of a polycyclic structure with an unusual alkenyl ether moiety in the biosynthesis of macrodiolide antibiotic

Reona Suzuki1, ○Hayama Tsutsumi1,2, Akihiro Ishii1, Ayano Komaki3, Yuka Yamakawa3, Yoshihiro Watanabe1,2, Tomohiro Suzuki1, Masato Iwatsuki1,2, Tomoyasu Hirose1,2, Sunazuka Toshiaki1,2, Yuki Inahashi1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. Infection Cont. Sci., Kitasato Univ., 2. Ōmura Inst. Kitasato Univ., 3. Sch. Science. Kitasato Univ.)