Session Details

[27-19-am]Genes, biosynthesis 1

Thu. Mar 27, 2025 8:30 AM - 10:11 AM JST
Thu. Mar 27, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:11 AM UTC
Room 19 (FUKUOKA SUNPALACE: Palace RoomA [2F])
Chair: Kenichi Matsuda, Shinji Kishimoto

[27-19-am01S]Elaborate substrate recognition mechanism by equilibrium and selection in chlorflavonin biosynthesis

○Sho Furumura1, Taro Ozaki1, Yohei Morishita1, Akihiro Sugawara1, Teigo Asai1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)

[27-19-am02S]Prediction modeling for macrolide ring size by structural comparison of thioesterases

○Yuto Homma1, Yohei Morishita1, Taro Ozaki1, Teigo Asai1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)

[27-19-am03S]Investigation of promoters and genetic loci for precursor gene expression to improve the production of α-amanitin precursor in Aspergillus oryzae

○Toko Negishi1, Taro Ozaki1, Akihiro Sugawara1, Yohei Morishita1, Teigo Asai1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Univ.)

[27-19-am04]Functional analysis of cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in Eschscholzia californica

Momoka Nakashima1, Reo Sone1, Haruki Yanai1, Kenji Miura2, Nobukazu Shitan1, ○Yasuyuki Yamada1 (1. Kobe Pharm. Univ., 2. Inst. Life Environ. Sci. Univ. Tsukuba)


[27-19-am05]Biosynthetic incorporation of non-native aryl acid building blocks into peptide products using engineered adenylation domains

○Funihiro ISHIKAWA1, Maya Nohara1, Akimasa Miyanaga2,3, Satoki Kuramoto1, Natsuki Miyano1, Shumpei Asamizu4, Fumitaka Kudo2, Hiroyasu Onaka5, Tadashi Eguchi2, Genzoh Tanabe1 (1. Faculty of Pharmacy, Kindai University, 2. Institute of Science Tokyo, 3. Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 4. Engineering Biology Research Center, Kobe University, 5. Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University)

[27-19-am06]Uncovering the formation mechanism of a polycyclic structure with an unusual alkenyl ether moiety in the biosynthesis of macrodiolide antibiotic

Reona Suzuki1, ○Hayama Tsutsumi1,2, Akihiro Ishii1, Ayano Komaki3, Yuka Yamakawa3, Yoshihiro Watanabe1,2, Tomohiro Suzuki1, Masato Iwatsuki1,2, Tomoyasu Hirose1,2, Sunazuka Toshiaki1,2, Yuki Inahashi1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. Infection Cont. Sci., Kitasato Univ., 2. Ōmura Inst. Kitasato Univ., 3. Sch. Science. Kitasato Univ.)

[27-19-am07S]Functional analysis of a novel oxidase ActVA-ORF3 involved in actinorhodin biosynthesis with AlphaFold

○Susumu Watari1, Makoto Hashimoto2,3, Kazuki Ishikawa3,4, Takuya Kumamoto5, Hideaki Kakeya1, Koji Ichinose2,3 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ., 2. Fac. Pharm Musashino Univ., 3. Res. Inst. Pharm. Sci. Musashino Univ., 4. Fac. Pharm. Sci.Teikyo Heisei Univ., 5. Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci. Hiroshima Univ.)

[27-19-am08S]Genome mining directed to the discovery of bioactive natural products

○Teruhisa Manome1, Ryusuke Nakada1, Aya Yoshimura1, Toshiyuki Wakimoto1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)