Presentation Information
[S35-2]Phage therapy: Precision editing of the intestinal microbiota and the fitness trade-off
○Jumpei Fujiki1,2, Yi Duan2, Tomohiro Nakamura1,2,3,4, Cristina Llorente2, Derrick Fouts5, Bernd Schnabl2,6, Hidetomo Iwano1,4 (1. Sch. Vet. Med., Rakuno Gakuen Univ., 2. Dept. Med., UCSD, 3. Res. Cent. Drug Vaccine Dev., Natl. Inst. Infect. Dis, 4. Comp. Res. Org., Waseda Univ., 5. Dept. Human Gen Med., JCVI, 6. Dept. Med, VASDHS)