Session Details
[S35]The Path for Bacteriophage as the Pharmaceutical Products in Japan
Fri. Mar 28, 2025 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM JST
Fri. Mar 28, 2025 7:45 AM - 9:15 AM UTC
Fri. Mar 28, 2025 7:45 AM - 9:15 AM UTC
Room 4 (Fukuoka International Congress CenterR: 201 [2F])
Organizer: Tomoko Hanawa (Sch. Med., Kyorin Univ.), Satoshi Tsuneda (Sch. Adv. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.)
趣旨説明:花輪 智子(杏林大医)
[S35-1]Current status and challenges of phage therapy for multidrug-resistant bacterial infections diseases
○Tomoko Hanawa1, Takeaki Matsuda1,2 (1. Kyorin Univ Sch. Med., Gen Med., 2. Kyorin Univ Sch. Med., TCC)
[S35-2]Phage therapy: Precision editing of the intestinal microbiota and the fitness trade-off
○Jumpei Fujiki1,2, Yi Duan2, Tomohiro Nakamura1,2,3,4, Cristina Llorente2, Derrick Fouts5, Bernd Schnabl2,6, Hidetomo Iwano1,4 (1. Sch. Vet. Med., Rakuno Gakuen Univ., 2. Dept. Med., UCSD, 3. Res. Cent. Drug Vaccine Dev., Natl. Inst. Infect. Dis, 4. Comp. Res. Org., Waseda Univ., 5. Dept. Human Gen Med., JCVI, 6. Dept. Med, VASDHS)
[S35-3]Potential of phage therapy against highly virulent CA-MRSA strains
○Hidemasa Nakaminami1 (1. Sch. Pharm., Tokyo Univ. Pharm. Life Sci.)
[S35-4]A role of live bio therapeutic products including phage therapy as novel therapeutic options in infectious disease by antimicrobial resistant bacteria.
○Atsushi Shiota1,2,3 (1. Keio Univ School of Med, 2. Keio Univ WPI-Bio2Q, 3. Microbiopharm Japan Co. Ltd.)