Session Details

[S02]Preventive care from the perspective of precision nutrition science

Thu. Mar 27, 2025 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM JST
Thu. Mar 27, 2025 1:15 AM - 2:45 AM UTC
Room 7 (Fukuoka International Congress Center: 204 [2F])
Organizer: Natsuki Suganuma (bacterico/Keio Univ.), Masahiro Egi (School Food Nutr. Sci., Univ. of Shizuoka), Masateru Miyake (Pharmapack)

シンポジウム趣旨説明:菅沼 名津季1,2(1. bacterico、2. 慶應大薬)

[S02-1]Functional food research on polyphenols

○Hideyuki Ito1 (1. Okayama Pref. Univ. Fac. of Health and Welfare Sci.)

[S02-2]The role of synthetic organic chemistry in health food products

○Tomohiro Asakawa1,2 (1. Tokai Univ., 2. Univ. of Shizuoka)

[S02-3]Precision chrono-nutrition

○Yu Tahara1 (1. Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima Univ.)

[S02-4]The current status and future perspectives of precision nutrition from the perspective of the gut environment

○Jun Kunisawa1,2,3,4,5 (1. NIBIOHN, 2. Osaka Univ, 3. IMSUT, 4. Kobe Univ, 5. Waseda Univ)

総括:江木 正浩(静岡県大食品栄養)