Session Details

[S37]Pioneering cancer research through interdisciplinary collaboration

Fri. Mar 28, 2025 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM JST
Fri. Mar 28, 2025 7:45 AM - 9:15 AM UTC
Room 6 (Fukuoka International Congress Center: 203 [2F])
Organizer: Shinya Ohata (Facul. Pharm., Musashino Univ.), Sachiko Toma (NAIST)

趣旨説明:大畑 慎也(武蔵野大薬)

[S37-1]Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of supratentorial ependymoma tumorigenesis through animal modeling

○Daisuke Kawauchi1, Zhize Xiao1,2, Naofumi Uesaka2 (1. Dept of Neuro-Oncol, Institute of Brain Sci Grad Sch of Med Sci, Nagoya City Univ., 2. Dept of Cognitive Neurobiol, Grad Sch of Med & Den Sci, Institute of Sci. Tokyo)

[S37-2]Non-classical nuclear transport mechanisms of cancer-related proteins approached from structural biology and the search for drug targets

○Sachiko Toma-Fukai1 (1. NAIST)

[S37-3]Understanding mechanisms of resistance to molecular-targeted drugs by analyzing cancer patient derived specimens and molecular dynamics simulations

○Ryohei Katayama1,2, Mitsugu Araki3 (1. Cancer Chemother Ctr, JFCR, 2. Grad Sch Fronti Sci, Univ of Tokyo, 3. Grad Sch Med, Kyoto Univ)

[S37-4]Development of new cancer therapies by integrating physical pharmaceutical science and computational chemistry

○Mikako Ogawa1 (1. Dept Pharm, Hokkaido Univ)