Session Details


Tue. Sep 3, 2024 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Tue. Sep 3, 2024 1:45 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Room J (Main Studio)(1st Floor)
Session Chair: Shinobu Ohya (The Univ. of Tokyo), Nozomi Nishizawa (Kitasato Univ.)

[J-4-01 (Invited)]From spin-orbitronics to orbitronics:
efficient manipulation of topological spin structures for memory and unconventional computing

〇Mathias Kläui1,2 (1. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany), 2. NTNU Trondheim (Norway))

[J-4-02]Spin-Orbit Torque Induced Spatial Asymmetric Switching in Ferrimagnets

〇Zhenhang Kong1, Zhengde Xu1, Xue Zhang1, Zhifeng Zhu1,2 (1. The Univ. of ShanghaiTech (China), 2. Shanghai Eng. Res. Center of Energy Efficient and Custom AI IC (China))

[J-4-03]Stable Field Writing in Magnetic Domain Wall Memory Devices by Suppression of Thermal Disturbances

〇Michael Quinsat1, Naoharu Shimomura1, Yoshihiro Ueda1, Susumu Hashimoto1, Yasuaki Ootera1, Tsuyoshi Kondo1, Masaki Kado1 (1. KIOXIA Corp. (Japan))

[J-4-04]New method for suppression of magnetic domain wall shift error in 3D magnetic domain-wall memory

〇Pham Nam Hai1, Takanori Shirokura1, Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang2 (1. Tokyo Tech. (Japan), 2. Hochiminh Univ. Edu. (Viet Nam))