

*封 博宇1、HAMDAN Moh1、人見 啓太朗2、上ノ町 水紀3、野上 光博2、豊川 秀訓4、島添 健次1 (1. 東大、2. 東北大、3. 東工大、4. JASRI)



In this study, we developed a Thallium Bromide (TlBr) semiconductor detector, featuring a pixelated anode and a planar cathode, for room-temperature gamma-ray detection. The detector used Tl electrodes and was connected to a charge-sensitive preamplifier via Au wire for the electrical readout system. A silicon photomultiplier is used for an optical readout system to detect Cherenkov light. We achieved an enhanced energy resolution from 4.5% to 1.96% FWHM at 662 keV using depth of interaction correction. Time resolution assessments indicated potential performance in the picosecond range, showcasing TlBr's capability for precise energy resolution and timing.

