
[2-P1-46]Evaluation of the Carbon Negative Potential in Pig Husbandry with Novel Technologies

*李 友仁1、一杉 佑貴1、利谷 翔平2、寺田 昭彦2、林 彬勒1 (1. 産業技術総合研究所、2. 東京農工大学)


Carbon Negative、Dry Anaerobic Digestion、Fast-growing Crop、Life Cycle Assessment、Microbial Protein

The potential of carbon negativity (negative CF) of novel technologies had been examined using life cycle assessment (LCA), using pig husbandry as a case study. Technologies evaluated in this study include fast-growing crop cultivation, pig manure treatment using dry anaerobic digestion (dry AD), and microbial protein production using biogas from dry AD. The study found that the complete system (fast-growing crop + pigpen + dry AD manure treatment + microbial protein production) can be sustainable in Japan, with negative CF estimated. Although biogas from dry AD may increase the system’s overall CF, microbial protein production may be an innovative technique utilizing the originally composted pig manure, achieving overall carbon negativity.